Thursday, February 23, 2017


מצאתי ישראל

עמלתי ומצאתי את העלץ בישראל. וכאשר אתם תראו את מה שמצאתי, תאמינו ותדעו.

ישראל = 541 = מצאתי
= המצות = מאשר = אשר לי
= אשר גואל = ראש אל גו
= אשר אל גו = אמך = הולך
= חג לך

הבה נראה, בע"ה, את פנימיות החלוף לישראל  - המילה מצאתי

מצ = 130 = סיני = צהלה

א = 1 = 1000 = עלץ = תם

תי = 410 = קדוש = קדשו = דרור


ישראל = 541 = צהלה עלץ קדוש
= 1540 = 541 = צהלה עלץ דרור

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Gifts of Torah for the Rabbi who has everything.


If I could, I would say this to every Rabbi and every Jew who thinks they are Torah observant:

Torah is not a book of ceremonies. Torah is the Book of Life and it is the Book of Creation. What you are doing when you do your ceremonies is doing a very strange enactment of the processes of Life. In doing those strange simulations of the processes of Life, you and the other Jews who think you are doing HaMitzvot, who are distancing yourself from Your Self are creating a world that is a simulation. You are creating this world as a world of illusion because you are not doing the real Mitzvot, which is living Life in Holiness. Then you wonder how it is that you are living in a world of lies and illusion and deception. Did you ever stop to ask honestly where the world of illusion came from? It is precisely your doing mitzvot symbolically that is creating a world that is not real.
You are running away from Life and taking refuge in something like a child's play in grade school in which a person pretends to be a leg or a lung or an arm for the sake of display. You are acting in a play of Life, and thinking it is the real thing. HaMikdash was never destroyed. HaMikdash never was a building of stone with cold metal implements. It is our Bodies and every Holy thing that we do together with our Bodies in the Creation.
If you tell the Creation that Mashiach will come one day, you are issuing the Creation a directive to keep the Mashiach coming one day but never arriving - perpetually. Is that what you want?
Please, PLEASE, have mercy on yourself and on the creation and abandon this simulation and return to being Ein Sof B'Guf - because that is who we really are.

Monday, February 20, 2017



The time has come for the Redemption of the Jewish People from the heresy of the Babylonian Talmud and Babylonian avodah zarah. This material World that HaShem created for us, and so dearly desires a Home in, is not a simulation, not a trial, not an anteroom. Our Lives are not practice sessions 
This is the highest Heavens on Earth. This World is HaShem's greatest accomplishment. It is infinitely higher and infinitely greater than any spiritual world. We are not here to do weird ceremonial re-enactments of Life. We are not here to suffer and await a better world "in heaven". We are in the highest Heaven and we are meant to rejoice in it in Holiness. But the rabbis would not have it so 
This World is not a test and it is not a practice run. We are here to live Life in holiness and Torah teaches us how to do just that 
HaMikdash is our Bodies, our Societies and everything we build in holiness to be shared with one another. That the rabbis do not understand that the World to Come is the World that is always Coming and they do not see Who is coming to us continuously to deliver this magnificent Gift to us Personally is because they have rubbed their eyes in Babylonian mud so that Eretz YisraEl does not touch them and they do not see it or feel it - though they are smack, dab in it 
It is not enough that you have destroyed the Jewish People. Because of your lying teachings my People did not know that we are the Masters of the Material World, because you kept that knowledge from us from the times we are helpless Children. So they died in their many millions in the Material World never knowing they could save themselves. Now you want to bring your horrors to the B'nei No'ach too 
The witchcraft of the Babylonian Talmud has taken innumerable Souls and Bodies out of this world by treating it as a trial run. Only the worst kind of ingrate cannot see the holiness of this World. And you rabbis, you purveyors of prozbul and heter mekhirah, will make an accounting to HaShem and to all the Souls and Bodies that you have harmed with your witchcraft by busying them with meaningless ceremonies instead of teaching them that We are The Temple. I promise you. You will stand before all of our Holy Mothers and Fathers and Prophets and you will tell them why you sold their Children to Ba'al.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


המשיח מתגלה לכל אוהבי שלום בחג פורים השנה

עלינו להבין כי התגלות המשיח אינה כמתואר בפיהם של הרבנים.

המשיח הוא אשנב בזמן בו רק אוהבי שלום יכולים להכנס. שם כל אוהבי השלום חיים בשלום. הוא המשגב לאוהבי השלום. הוא המקום בו אוהבי שלום נחים בשלווה ובשקט ובנחת רוח ואין שום רודף יכול לגשת עליהם. המשיח הוא ההוה התמידי. בנקודת הכניסה הוא נראה כאשנב קטן, כאישון העין. אולם, העובר את השער הקטן ימצא כי הוא נכנס למרחבים  שאין לתאר אותם בהם נופים יפים עד מאד.

משיח = 353 = השמחה

המשיח = 363 = נגיש = משה חי
= משגב בהוה = אשנבי = שיא אליהו
= שיא ישעיהו בן אמוץ = 2361 = 363
= משגב העתיק הקדוש והעתיקה הקדושה
= אני שב = אישון משה = 1362
= 363 = אישון משגב

המשיח מתגלה לכל אוהבי שלום בחג פורים השנה
= 3150 = 153 = נס גדול = כל ימי גיל
= סוד חנכה = בצלאל = כל אשנב בזמן
= 1152 = 153 = כל אשנב במקראות

התגלות המשיח = 1207 = 208 = יצחק
= הגר = הבאר = בראה = עולם אשר = ראשון
= עלץ אור = קרן אור = אור העתיק הקדוש

שלום = 936 = מפורים = חוגג כפורים
= חזה כפורים = חזה התורה מכל דור
= חוגג התורה מכל דור = החי בראשית

אוהב שלום = 950 = שמים = כל שם
= ספר האדם = כל עולם צדק = שלמה המלך

אוהבי שלום = 960 = נשים = שנים
= הנה עולם צדק = עולם צדק עולם גשמי
= עולם צדק עולם שמחה
= הנה כנסת ישראל האבירים
= קבל האבירים

כל אוהבי שלום = 1010 = 11 = וה = חג
= א"י = גם גרי צדק = צדק עליון
= העתיקה הקדושה = שי"ן = מכל דור קדום
= אהרן בארץ = והכל שריר ובריר וקים לעד
= 2009 = 11
= והכל שריר ובריר וקים בארץ
= 3008 = 11
= אני שריר ובריר וקים בארץ

כל אוהבי השלום = 1015 = זוג = הוה
= החג = י"ו = היא

המשיח הוא ההוה התמידי והנצחי בו רק אוהבי השלום יכולים להכנס. זאת ארץ ישראל. המשיח הוא המשגב לנרדפים.

לנרדפים = 974 = דעץ = עדן צדקו
= דוד אוהבי שלום = אוהב אוהבי שלום
= לבו שלום = פרדס בחיים = שם בחסד
= עד שם = מתגלם שם
= עולם צדק מתגלם = 1973 = 974
= בשם כנסת ישראל

לכל אוהבי שלום = 1040 = 41 = אלי
= שלום בארץ = שלום לעד
= מקץ = ספר מלכים = עלץ אבותיכם
= 2039 = 41

חג לכל אוהבי שלום = 1051 = 52 = בכל
= אליהו = ישעיהו בן אמוץ = 2050 = 52
= כלב = לב חוגג = חזה השוכן = השוכן חוגג

הנה אליהו בא!

הנה אליהו בא = 115 = עליה = אנחנו
= חג בארץ = 1114 = 115 = חזק
= על יד העתיק הקדוש

ולמוכנים לקבל אותו כבר היום

קבל את אליהו היום = 1206 = 207 = אור
= הויה בלבי עלץ וצהלה

קבלו את אליהו היום = 1212= 213 = גרי
= בראי = חג אשתך = א"י אשתך
= תקן העתיק הקדוש כל אוהבי שלום
= 3210 = 213

חג הישועה = 407 = אות = גרי צדק


I'm going to say something that you'll likely find very hard to accept if you learn Talmud and live according to it and think you are a Jew.

Jews do not immerse themselves in Talmud willingly. We may do so as Children, under pressure; but as we grow and feel stronger; we feel the choking sensation from the noxious fumes and we know in our heart that that is not the way.

Just as a fish will not immerse itself in alcohol willingly, despite the intoxicating effects, so no real Jew learns Talmud.

 Our Homeland is Yisra'El, not Babylon. YisraEl is our Soul (Soil), not the mud of Babylon.

Eliyahu HaNavi said this: Yet will I leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.' Yes, there are very few Jews indeed. That number can be understood more expansively with gematriot, but it is also true as written in p'shat. There are only seven thousand in Israel and the Babylonian idol worshippers are not among them. The Babylonian exile that the Nevi'im talk about is the Babylonian Talmud.

No one who learns Talmud can make Aliyah to Eretz Yisra'El, which is Torah (terra).

Anyone who thinks that The Book of Life is a book of ceremonies is completely incapable of understanding Torah and seeing it that way is the mark that someone is not a true Jew. They simply don't see Torah for what it is.

Torah does not need a second book to explain how to do ceremonies any more than it needs a "new testament", because there are no ceremonies in it - only the wisdom of Life.

The Prophets warned against the galut of Babel - the Babylonian Talmud. Yes, they were able to see the Babylonian Talmud b'Ru'ach HaKodesh because their Wisdom exists in all times and places and they warn against it.

Rabbis today don't even have Smikhah. They don't have Smikhah because the Prophets give Smikhah and you've rejected Nevu'ah. The Prophets trump your Rabbi.